
Opinion: New strategy to stem a different opioid epidemic in Oregon

For nearly a decade I have treated Oregonians seeking care in the emergency department and in that time ...


Capital Chatter: Senate slowdown limits business of Legislature

In an hour and 45 minutes on Thursday, the Oregon House debated and passed seven pieces of legislation, ...


OPINION: Tolls will make Oregonians worse off

In about 18 months, Portland-area drivers will be paying the first of many tolls if the Oregon Department ...


Capital Chatter: On the life and death of Gregor, who was a very good boy

It was only a week ago that I posted a light-hearted photo of my writing assistant. Upon reporting ...


Opinion: When the pandemic emergency ends, profiteering will commence

On May 11, the United States government plans to end the national and public health emergency that began ...


Opinion: Commission would center health and safety over politics in Oregon

Today, when a medical provider requests to change their scope of practice under Oregon law, legislators receive the ...


Capital Chatter: Sen. Bill Hansell is ‘one of the good guys’

Bill Hansell has seen folks who stayed too long. He’ll make sure he doesn’t. The Republican three-term state ...


Opinion: Time to pump the brakes on ODOT tolling plan

Sometimes you need to slow down to avoid a mistake. A perfect example of this is ODOT’s runaway ...


Capital Chatter: A big week in Oregon state government

A momentous week was unfolding in the Oregon Capitol: • Legislators learned they will have millions more to ...


Capital Chatter: Who is in charge of Oregon’s democracy?

“Are ‘we the people’ in charge of the democracy, or are the two parties in charge of the ...

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