Capital Chatter: Oregon budget writers can’t please ’em all
The Oregon Legislature’s budget writers face an impossible task: pleasing everyone in an era of startling political and ...
The Oregon Legislature’s budget writers face an impossible task: pleasing everyone in an era of startling political and ...
Halfway through Sunshine Week, two influential Democratic legislators from Portland sat down with journalists to discuss the upcoming ...
Oregon legislators, be forewarned. Don’t be tempted to open the state’s checkbook again and again. The state, national ...
Where did Oregon’s longest-serving legislator play Little League as a kid? It was an odd question. But the ...
You can be a powerful, tenacious advocate for a political cause without acting like a jerk. That was ...
Despite the cold outside, action inside the Oregon Capital was warming up. Almost four weeks into the 2025 ...
Rep. Rob Nosse, D-Portland, outraged Republicans last year by publicly stating the obvious after Democrats won supermajorities in the Legislature: “That supermajority means ...
Rep. Rob Nosse, D-Portland, outraged Republicans last year by publicly stating the obvious after Democrats won supermajorities in ...
Peter Courtney was a lifelong prankster. As a new law clerk working in the Oregon Supreme Court Building, he ...
Peter Courtney was a lifelong prankster. As a new law clerk working in the Oregon Supreme Court Building, ...